Monday, June 13, 2011


These are some pictures we took around school. We used picnik to edit them and put them on a powerpoint.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Using Illustrator and Indesign, my team and I created an infographic based on the issue of biomagnification.

Tee designs

In this project, we used illustrator. I traced t-shirts and then made my own design. It's a green theme!

Panda Illustration

I used illustrator to trace and color a panda. I added my own accessories and my own background. The panda is holding a star. 

Diamond Illustration

Using Illustrator, I traced a diamond, putting in a gradient to show the light shining on the diamond.

Dream House Illustration

Using Illustrator, I created my dream house, a house that can be designed from my choices.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Public Service Announcement Posters

These posters consist of random facts that are made available to the public. These posters will educate the readers about these facts in an entertaining way.